Ruth Rakofsky was humbled by the events of her life, which became the catalyst for founding the nonprofit WeUplift (Women Empowered Up Lift). As a mother, being able to stay home with her son for his first four years of life meant everything to her. Living with limited financial resources was a very humbling experience, but it strengthened her resolve. After those four years, Ruth as a single mom returned to teaching as a New York City Elementary Public School Teacher, a career she dedicated over 32 years to before retiring.
Now, Ruth’s mission is to help women who find themselves in similar situations, struggling to provide their children with basic human needs, let alone the additional wants and desires they wish to give. Her greatest wish is to connect with others who share her quest to advocate for single moms and their families. Ruth is deeply grateful for any support towards this cause.
Austin DuPoux is the Treasurer of WeUpLift. With a passion for empowering women and uplifting communities, Austin is dedicated to protect the financial transparency and accountability to ensure donations are utilized responsibly and effectively.
Austin’s unwavering commitment to our cause and leadership inspires others to join us in making a difference in the lives of women and children around the world.
With over 35 years of experience in special education, Anita has dedicated her career to working closely with children and their parents. Throughout this journey, she has witnessed many single mothers facing challenges in navigating the NYC school system. Anita has made it her mission to support these mothers, ensuring their children receive the best possible education and resources.
As the director of WeUpLift, Anita aims to extend her expertise beyond the classroom. Through WeUpLift, she is committed to empowering single mothers, providing them with the support they need to thrive in all aspects of life.